
Since the inception of the business in 2003, we have been implementing systems into companies according to International Standard ISO 9001 and the local standards in South Africa namely South African National Standards 1191, 1193 and 1262-1 to 3 and has progressed to offer the implementation of the following standards :


· ISO 9001  

· ISO 14001         

· ISO 18001         

· ISO 22000

· ISO 50001         

· SANS 10330

· SANS 10049

· SANS 1191

· SANS 1193

· SANS 1263-1


· SANS 1263-2


·  SANS 1263-3


· Productivity Studies

· Implementing Safety Standards and Systems into Companies as per the OHS ACT 85 of 1993 and we still from time to time go on training as required.  






  Quality Management System

  Environmental Management System   

  Occupational, Health & Safety Management

  Food Safety Management System

  Energy Management System


  Pre-Requisite Programs

  High-Penetration-Resistant Laminated Safety Glass for Vehicles

  Toughened Safety Glass for Vehicles

  Safety and Security Glazing Material for Buildings Part 1: Safety Performance of Glazing Materials under Human Impact

  Safety and Security Glazing Material for Buildings Part 2: Burglar Resistant and Vandal Resistant Glazing Materials

  Safety and Security Glazing Material for Buildings Part 3: Bullet Resistant Glazing Materials